
What's Your Body Saying To You?

  Energy Blockers:  How They Show Up in Your Body & Why It’s Time to Clear Them We all have Energy Blockers —those sneaky emotions that settle into your body and start causing all kinds of trouble, physically and emotionally. Whether it’s unresolved resentment or chronic stress, these blockers can definitely mess with your energy flow, holding you back from living your best life. That’s where hypnotherapy and energy work come in—they help you clear these blocks, reframe limiting beliefs, and get you back into alignment. Ready to free up your energy? Let’s dive into how these emotions can show up in your body: Offense/Resentment How it shows up: You might feel it as tightness in your chest, neck, or jaw—sometimes even stomach issues or headaches. When you hang onto unresolved hurt or anger, it sticks around as tension and discomfort in your body. Guilt How it shows up: That heavy feeling in your heart or a knot in your stomach. Guilt can weigh you down, causing fatigue or even low

Shungite is More than Just a Rock, It Rocks! Believe It or Not

 Years ago, I was introduced to this mysterious rock called shungite. Naturally, I bought a couple of necklaces, wore them religiously for a while, and felt pretty aligned with its energy. But as life went on, the magic sort of faded, and I eventually forgot about them for the most part, only wearing them occasionally. Fast forward to recently—a friend casually mentioned shungite, and suddenly, I’m having a full-circle moment. Now I’m back on board with shungite, and here’s why this rock deserves a serious comeback in my life and is possibly worth a look in yours as well! What is Shungite, Anyway? So, what exactly is shungite? It's not just any rock. Shungite, this incredible jet-black marvel, has been causing ripples in both the scientific and metaphysical communities. Found primarily in Russia, this ancient stone is believed to be around 2 billion years old. What makes it truly unique is its carbon structure, specifically the presence of fullerenes , like little soccer-ball-shape

Whatever He Can Do, We Can Do Too!

These are the days of AS GREAT or GREATER The deeper we go into his teachings, the more transparent they become—he tapped into universal, spiritual truths that go way beyond the constraints of any one religion. When he said, “Whoever believes in me will do the works I’ve been doing—and even greater things,” he wasn’t just making a bold claim. He was opening our eyes to our own spiritual potential. He was saying, “You have access to this power, too.” So, let’s break down what he might’ve meant. In the original language, “believe in me” could have meant “believe as I believe.” Yeshua may not have been saying, “You have to believe in me personally to do these things.” Instead, he was likely pointing us toward the faith, the Divine Source, and the spiritual power he’d been living and teaching about all along. When you think of it like that, it’s like he was saying, “Align yourself with the Divine, like I do, and you’ll have access to the same power.” Yeshua talked about the Kingdom of

Unlock Your Potential: Hypnotherapy, The Power of Words, and Remote Sessions

Myth: Hypnotherapy only works if done in person. Buster: Hypnotherapy can be just as effective remotely as in person.  With the advancements in technology, many hypnotherapists successfully conduct sessions via phone or video conferencing platforms, allowing clients to experience the benefits from the comfort of their own homes. The key elements—relaxation, focused attention, and professional guidance—can be effectively achieved through remote sessions. Hey there, beautiful souls! 🌟  Let's talk about something super cool and life-changing: hypnotherapy. It's not about swinging pendulums and spooky stuff but rather about using the power of words to break through those pesky limiting beliefs holding you back. In a session, a hypnotherapist guides you into a deeply relaxed state, where your subconscious mind becomes more open to positive suggestions. And guess what? You don't even need to leave your couch to experience it! Remote hypnotherapy sessions are totally a thing, a